About the Business
We know when a customer needs unlocking in a hurry they’re looking for trusted and experienced Locksmith Leeds who can be relied upon to work to the highest professional standards 24/7. UPVC door and windows repaired. Any lock changes and lock repairs. Best price guaranteed.
Discounts for nurses, students, armed forces and OAP’s. Locksmith Leeds: No lock we can’t open night or day. 24/7 Locksmith Leeds as trusted Locksmith Leeds we have been providing quality work for our valued customers for many years and built up the skills, knowledge and customer service to rank as one of the best Locksmith Leeds businesses in the area. Trust Locksmith of Leeds.
Business Services

Our Services
Warm and friendly locksmith:
It is our understanding that one should always listen to people when they speak to you, by paying attention the listener will learn more than he or she could imagine, not only about the subject at hand but about life. This is only one of the many small and joyous reasons that locksmith Leeds have made it a priority to always be friendly and familiar with our customers.
Long term customer relationships suit both us, and seemingly our customers too as it promotes long term high security solutions which help build security for the individual, the neighbourhood and the community alike. So, although some less traditional companies promote home and work life separate, the great staff here with both traditional and modern values however see how it would be both impractical and robotic. For the skilled workmen and women at a respected locksmith Leeds, investment, also on a personal level is engaged with. In other words, we care for you as an individual and our priority is to keep you safe and do what is best for you.
As part of our dedicated customer service approach we would also like to let you know that a fast 24 hour emergency lockout service is reached easily, and at all hours though the above number, just as you can call us at your own convenience and have a friendly conversation with a locksmith Leeds worker and professional about your security and your needs. Bringing you the relevant information in our speciality area is part and parcel of our passion, so don’t push forward that important conversation, especially since these chats are often great lessons as well as a convivial instance.
Location & Hours

66 Otley Road