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A bump key could be manufactured at home from any key that fits the lock you want to open.however to ensure the peaks are at the right position (and at the right depths) it is much better to purchase a professionally made one to ensure better results. Here at locksmith training merseyside we teach lock bumping on our practise door and we also give away as part of the course, a set of bump keys.
A US patent first appears in 1928 by H.R. Simpson called a "rapping" or bump-key. In the 1970s, locksmiths in Denmark shared a technique for knocking on a lock cylinder while applying slight pressure to the back of the lock plug. When the pins would jump inside of the cylinder, the plug would be able to slide out freely, thus enabling the locksmith to disassemble the lock quickly. The use of a bump key was not introduced until some time later and was first recognized as a potential security problem around 2002-2003 by Klaus Noch, who brought it to the attention of the German media.
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